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Best Supply Chain Management Products

Best Supply Chain Management Products

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78% of health systems have manual inventory count steps within their end-to-end supply chain operations.

Healthcare systems require adequate supplies in order to deliver high quality care, and the process for securing such supplies can be time-consuming and costly. Supply chain costs are the second largest operating expense behind labor, and physicians and nurses currently spend, on average, nearly 20% of their work week on supply chain and inventory management. Health systems need to analyze equipment needs, vendor options, pricing data, and policy regulations in order to ensure that they efficiently procure needed supplies in compliance with fair contracts, and manual methods result in price discrepancies and lengthy contracting periods that generate high administrative costs. Building supply chain capabilities that enable providers to understand costs vs value, renegotiate pricing, and bring discipline to supply purchasing and utilization are can help manage costs.

Additionally, health systems lack processes for efficiently managing the inventory they do procure, and clinicians waste time searching for the equipment they need, impacting quality of care. 1 in 4 hospital staff have seen or heard of expired products being used on a patient, and 18% have seen or heard of a patient being harmed due to a lack of necessary supplies.

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Supply Chain Management Overview

Category Description

78% of health systems have manual inventory count steps within their end-to-end supply chain operations.

Healthcare systems require adequate supplies in order to deliver high quality care, and the process for securing such supplies can be time-consuming and costly. Supply chain costs are the second largest operating expense behind labor, and physicians and nurses currently spend, on average, nearly 20% of their work week on supply chain and inventory management. Health systems need to analyze equipment needs, vendor options, pricing data, and policy regulations in order to ensure that they efficiently procure needed supplies in compliance with fair contracts, and manual methods result in price discrepancies and lengthy contracting periods that generate high administrative costs. Building supply chain capabilities that enable providers to understand costs vs value, renegotiate pricing, and bring discipline to supply purchasing and utilization are can help manage costs.

Additionally, health systems lack processes for efficiently managing the inventory they do procure, and clinicians waste time searching for the equipment they need, impacting quality of care. 1 in 4 hospital staff have seen or heard of expired products being used on a patient, and 18% have seen or heard of a patient being harmed due to a lack of necessary supplies.

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Avia Summary

  • Supply Chain Management is a popular category with 70 products in AVIA Marketplace

  • There are 58 verified clients including academic medical centers, accountable care organizations, pediatric facilities and clients with rural presence using a Supply Chain Management solution at their organization

  • Subcategories of Supply Chain Management includes Asset Sharing Solutions, Price Transparency Tools for Supplies & Purchasing, Inventory Management Software Tools, Surgical Inventory Management Software and Asset Tracking Tools

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Supply Chain Management: Market Map


Supply Chain Management Overview

70 products

Listed in AVIA Marketplace

19 products

With AMC Clients

18 products

With ACO Clients

9 products

With Rural Clients

11 products

With Pediatric Clients

Highest Rated Products

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Supply Chain Management: Market Map


Supply Chain Management Subcategories

3 Products

Asset Sharing Solutions

13 Products

Price Transparency Tools for Supplies & Purchasing

17 Products

Surgical Inventory Management Software

17 Products

Asset Tracking Tools

20 Products

Inventory Management Software Tools

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Supply Chain Management: Market Map

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Supply Chain Management: Market Map

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