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Best Search & Transparency Products

Best Search & Transparency Products

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Due to the rise of high deductible plans and the increasing cost of delivering care, healthcare consumers are shopping for the lowest cost service from the highest quality providers. The rise of Medicare STARS ratings and Hospital Compare and other available data increases transparency of provider quality and supports consumer decision making.

Digital tools in this space help consumers to view the cost of various procedures and calculate out of pocket cost. Sites that compare procedure and medication costs can direct consumers to the most cost efficient resources. They can also help consumers to understand and feel confident in provider quality data. Improved transparency can help to attract cost sensitive consumers and consumers to the highest quality and lowest cost services enabling efficient and effective providers to create brand awareness and improve growth.

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Search & Transparency Overview

Category Description

Due to the rise of high deductible plans and the increasing cost of delivering care, healthcare consumers are shopping for the lowest cost service from the highest quality providers. The rise of Medicare STARS ratings and Hospital Compare and other available data increases transparency of provider quality and supports consumer decision making.

Digital tools in this space help consumers to view the cost of various procedures and calculate out of pocket cost. Sites that compare procedure and medication costs can direct consumers to the most cost efficient resources. They can also help consumers to understand and feel confident in provider quality data. Improved transparency can help to attract cost sensitive consumers and consumers to the highest quality and lowest cost services enabling efficient and effective providers to create brand awareness and improve growth.

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Avia Summary

  • Search & Transparency is a popular category with 70 products in AVIA Marketplace

  • There are 99 verified clients including academic medical centers, accountable care organizations, pediatric facilities and clients with rural presence using a Search & Transparency solution at their organization

  • Popular Search & Transparency resources are Digital front door: The key to staying ahead in healthcare and

  • Subcategories of Search & Transparency includes Price Transparency Tools for Consumers, Ratings and Reviews Transparency Tools and Search Engine Optimization Tools

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Search & Transparency: Market Map


Search & Transparency Overview

70 products

Listed in AVIA Marketplace

13 products

With AMC Clients

20 products

With ACO Clients

14 products

With Rural Clients

10 products

With Pediatric Clients

Highest Rated Products

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Search & Transparency: Market Map


Search & Transparency Subcategories

21 Products

Ratings and Reviews Transparency Tools

23 Products

Search Engine Optimization Tools

27 Products

Price Transparency Tools for Consumers

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Search & Transparency: Market Map

Match with AVIA Network.

This view shows a limited selection of products. See all the products here for a complete look.

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