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Best Diabetes Management Products

Best Diabetes Management Products

This category is a work in progress
  • 37% of US adults have diabetes or pre-diabetes, the third leading cause of healthcare spending growth in the country.
  • 45% of patients with diabetes have skipped care because they can’t afford it.
  • 19% of patients have poorly controlled diabetes leading to recurring ED visits within 30 days.

Healthcare organizations have opportunities to improve care and outcomes with digital. For example:

  • To increase access to care and capacity of the care team, advanced organizations are implementing remote monitoring and on-demand behavioral health tools.
  • To improve self-care, leaders are leaning on digitally-enabled chronic disease education, medication adherence, text communication, and behavior change support.
  • To reduce unnecessary ED visits, visionary organizations are implementing community resource referrals and direct services, such as tech-enabled transportation and nutrition support.
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Company Self-Categorization

Remote Diabetes Monitoring & Coaching

Software that provides monitoring and coaching for patients with diabetes.

Preventive Health Behavior Change Tools

Tech to engage patients in their well-being by providing tracking, goal-setting and incentives to support healthy nutrition & physical activity

Chronic Disease Education

Solution to provide information for prevention, early detection, and management of a variety of chronic conditions, such as diabetes, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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Diabetes Management: Market Map


Diabetes Management Overview

Category Description

  • 37% of US adults have diabetes or pre-diabetes, the third leading cause of healthcare spending growth in the country.
  • 45% of patients with diabetes have skipped care because they can’t afford it.
  • 19% of patients have poorly controlled diabetes leading to recurring ED visits within 30 days.

Healthcare organizations have opportunities to improve care and outcomes with digital. For example:

  • To increase access to care and capacity of the care team, advanced organizations are implementing remote monitoring and on-demand behavioral health tools.
  • To improve self-care, leaders are leaning on digitally-enabled chronic disease education, medication adherence, text communication, and behavior change support.
  • To reduce unnecessary ED visits, visionary organizations are implementing community resource referrals and direct services, such as tech-enabled transportation and nutrition support.
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Avia Summary

  • Diabetes Management is a popular category with 207 products in AVIA Marketplace

  • There are 290 verified clients including academic medical centers, accountable care organizations, pediatric facilities and clients with rural presence using a Diabetes Management solution at their organization

  • Subcategories of Diabetes Management includes Virtual Diabetes Prevention Programs, Remote Diabetes Monitoring & Coaching, Community Resource Referrals, Diabetes Education and Management Applications for Patients and Medication Adherence Tools

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Diabetes Management: Market Map


Diabetes Management Overview

207 products

Listed in AVIA Marketplace

31 products

With AMC Clients

33 products

With ACO Clients

25 products

With Rural Clients

14 products

With Pediatric Clients

Highest Rated Products

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Diabetes Management: Market Map


Diabetes Management Subcategories

24 Products

Virtual Diabetes Prevention Programs

105 Products

Remote Diabetes Monitoring & Coaching

13 Products

Community Resource Referrals

15 Products

Diabetes Education and Management Applications for Patients

43 Products

Medication Adherence Tools

18 Products

Community Health Workers

2 Products

Preventive Health Behavior Change Tools

7 Products

Chronic Disease Education

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Diabetes Management: Market Map

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Diabetes Management: Market Map


24 Products

Virtual Diabetes Prevention Programs

The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) was a major multi-center clinical research study exploring whether modest weight loss through dietary changes and increased physical activity or treatment with the oral diabetes drug metformin could prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. DPP participants were all overweight and had blood glucose levels higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes - a condition called pre-diabetes. The DPP found that participants who lost a modest amount of weight through dietary changes and increased physical activity sharply reduced their chances of developing diabetes. Companies have digitized and virtualized the DPP, relying on technology to facilitate and support key elements of the program.

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Diabetes Management: Market Map


18 Products

Community Health Workers

After making an initial connection, the CHW helps the patient set goals and keep up with the clinical care plan, also addressing any psychosocial, resource, and advocacy issues that arise. Often CHWs will focus on particular clinical diagnoses, like diabetes, asthma, hypertension, cancer, and maternal and child health.

Emergency Department: In the ED, CHWs have been especially successful in lowering unnecessary visits and readmissions, and in improving communication--when used to support care coordination with primary care after ED discharge.

Maternal and Infant Health: CHWs have contributed to decreased rates of infant mortality and low birth weight, as well as improved prenatal care access and utilization when completing prenatal and postpartum in-home visits and care management.

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Diabetes Management: Market Map


2 Products

Preventive Health Behavior Change Tools

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