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Best Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Products

Best Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Products

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Optimizing revenue cycle processes equals a $9.5B total opportunity.

Revenue cycle management is integral to creating a financially solvent health system. However, embedded in the current process for managing the healthcare revenue cycle are many time-consuming manual processes that contribute to high administrative costs. Revenue cycle stages of securing prior authorization and financial clearance, improving clinical documentation, assigning proper codes, and managing denied claims require substantial labor resourcing. Doing these tasks manually can result in staff burnout and costly errors throughout a patient's care.

Additionally, today’s market presents many challenges—higher costs and deductibles, decreasing reimbursements, more regulatory complexity, shifting payment models, and increasing consumerism. To deal with these financial pressures, health systems are being forced to innovate.

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Patient Financial Experience Tools

Tools that enable patient to access, understand and complete payment for healthcare services.

Revenue Cycle Management Services

Solutions to track, analyze and manage the revenue from patients and payers throughout the healthcare financial process.

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Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Overview

Category Description

Optimizing revenue cycle processes equals a $9.5B total opportunity.

Revenue cycle management is integral to creating a financially solvent health system. However, embedded in the current process for managing the healthcare revenue cycle are many time-consuming manual processes that contribute to high administrative costs. Revenue cycle stages of securing prior authorization and financial clearance, improving clinical documentation, assigning proper codes, and managing denied claims require substantial labor resourcing. Doing these tasks manually can result in staff burnout and costly errors throughout a patient's care.

Additionally, today’s market presents many challenges—higher costs and deductibles, decreasing reimbursements, more regulatory complexity, shifting payment models, and increasing consumerism. To deal with these financial pressures, health systems are being forced to innovate.

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Avia Summary

  • Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) is a popular category with 324 products in AVIA Marketplace

  • There are 250 verified clients including academic medical centers, accountable care organizations, pediatric facilities and clients with rural presence using a Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) solution at their organization

  • Popular Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) resources are Unlocking the true potential of healthcare RCM: How a digital front door makes all the difference and

  • Subcategories of Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) includes Patient Financial Experience Tools, RCM Business Intelligence & Reporting Tools, Revenue Cycle Management Services, Denials Management Tools and Insurance Validation & Eligibility Verification

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Revenue Cycle Management (RCM): Market Map


Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Overview

324 products

Listed in AVIA Marketplace

78 products

With AMC Clients

99 products

With ACO Clients

61 products

With Rural Clients

43 products

With Pediatric Clients

Highest Rated Products

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Revenue Cycle Management (RCM): Market Map


Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Subcategories

107 Products

Patient Financial Experience Tools

33 Products

RCM Business Intelligence & Reporting Tools

107 Products

Revenue Cycle Management Services

16 Products

Denials Management Tools

26 Products

Insurance Validation & Eligibility Verification

28 Products

Medical Benefit Prior Authorization Tools

50 Products

Patient Intake Tools

28 Products

Revenue Cycle Management Tools with Patient Financial Experience Interface

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Revenue Cycle Management (RCM): Market Map

Match with AVIA Network.

This view shows a limited selection of products. See all the products here for a complete look.

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